Public Relations Association of Central Illinois Bylaws

ARTICLE I. Name, Purpose and Fiscal Year of Association
Section 1. Name of Association. The name of this organization shall be Public Relations Association of Central Illinois.

Section 2. Purpose of Organization. The purpose of the organization is to promote professionalism in public relations through educational programs and events, the exchange of information between members, the social networking and interaction of members and to partner with and encourage students and student organizations
to consider entering into the public relations profession.

Section 3. The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of the following  June.

Section 1. Eligibility. Members shall be persons, businesses, organizations and entities occupied with or otherwise dedicated to the practice and promotion of public relations and related occupations, and the development of public relations professionals.

Section 2. Application and Acceptance of Members. The Board of Directors shall determine the membership application protocol which the Vice President of Membership shall implement. The Board of Directors shall act on the application within 90 days of application. Membership approval requires a quorum vote of the Board of Directors, upon determination that the applicant is eligible and receipt of membership dues.

Section 3. Dues. A schedule of annual membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors to coincide with the fiscal year of the organization.

Section 4. Non-Voting Membership Designation. The Board of Directors may designate nonvoting membership designations, such as lifetime membership, student membership, complimentary, corporate, ex-officio membership, etc., by a quorum vote of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE III. Determination of Board of Directors
Section 1. Designation of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be the President, Vice President, Vice President-Membership, Treasurer, Director of Social Media, Director of Communications, Immediate Past President and two Directors At Large. At times, the Board may appoint an association member to assist a sitting
Board member with duties, however, the appointee will be a non-voting Board member.

Section 2. Nomination of Board of Directors. The President shall appoint a nominating committee before the end of February. The nominating committee shall recommend eligible members to fill vacant or otherwise expired positions on the Board.

Section 3. Election of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall present a slate of nominees to the membership no later than the end of March and shall conduct a membership vote for all offices and directors at the annual April meeting of the membership. Additional nominations may be made from the floor up to one month prior to the membership vote upon determination of eligibility to serve and acceptance of the nomination by the nominee. In instance where two candidates are presented for the same position, each candidate can submit a 200-word personal statement about their ability to serve in the position. Personal statements must be submitted one month prior to membership vote. Nominees for each position receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

Section 4. Terms and Vacancies. The term of President, Treasurer, Immediate Past President and Vice Presidents shall be one year, and may serve consecutive one year terms, not to exceed two consecutive terms (two years). Directors may serve two-year terms structured so that only one director is replaced each year, and may serve
consecutive two-year terms, not to exceed four years. The Board of Directors shall fill vacancies for the unexpired portion of the term of the position vacated.

Section 1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and the Board of Directors. The President shall, upon approval of the board, appoint committees as may be necessary for the fulfillment of association goals and/or to fulfill association bylaws. The President shall be an ex-official member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Section 2. Vice President shall preside at meetings of the association in the absence of the President, and shall assist the President as assigned.

Section 3. Vice President of Membership. The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for membership records, recruitment and retention, including the recommendation of processes, protocols and committees to assist with the fulfillment of association membership goals, and shall preside at association meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President.

Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain the association’s financial accounts and records and shall make written monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors, and an annual financial summary to the membership at the annual meeting in May. The Treasurer shall be responsible for dues invoicing and collection,
deposit and bill payment, according to generally accepted accounting practices and the direction of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Director of Social Media. The Director of Social Media shall be responsible for keeping membership informed and engaged by maintaining the association’s social media channels and website content.

Section 6. Director of Communications. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for writing and sending the monthly e-newsletter, email for meeting RSVPs and any member email communication as requested by the Board.

Section 8. Directors- At-Large. The Directors-At-Large shall be responsible for planning and implementing the January Roundtable program and other events and activities as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 9. Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall provide assistance and support to the President and Board of Directors.


Section 1. Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of the Association shall be at least monthly, September to May, according to the schedule approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Annual Meeting. The last regular monthly meeting of the association’s year shall be known as the Annual Meeting, where the annual business of the association may be conducted.

Section 3. Quorum. One more than one-third of association membership shall be considered a quorum at meetings of the membership. One more than one-half of the Board of Directors shall be considered a quorum of the Board.


Section 1. Duties and Powers of the Board. The Board of Directors shall have full charge of the association’s affairs, contracts and expenditures. No individual at large director or committee shall represent the affairs of the association, or enter into contracts or otherwise obligate the association to expenditures without the approval
of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Board Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet no less than four times each year, with no more than 90 days passing between meetings. The President may call a meeting of the Board at any time.

ARTICLE VII. Parliamentary Authority
This association shall conduct business according to the most current and broadly accepted revision of Roberts
Rules of Order.

These bylaws may be amended at a meeting of the association by a three-fifths majority of the members
present, where a quorum is present, and when the membership has been notified of proposed amendments in
writing at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be moved for approval.

Adopted 1981
Reprinted September 1992
Revised Spring 1994, May 1999, March 2004, May 2008, September 2017